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Melting Pot
Original Composition
- Live Performance
- Mixing & Mastering
- Video Editing
Second Time
Cover of Bruno Major
- Live Performance
- Mixing & Mastering
- Video Editing
Cpricho Arabe
By Francisco Tárrega
- Live Performance
- Mixing & Mastering
- Video Editing
Some Respect
Original track
- As part of a musical group
& Movies
Podasts & Movies
I'm Not Drunk
Documentary Short Film
- Original Music
- Audio Restoration
The Great Game
- Original Music
- Audio Restoration & Mixing
Think & Drink
- Audio Restoration & Mixing for
Zoom Video Conversation
Think & Drink
- Audio Restoration & Mixing for
Video Recording


Elemental Convergence
Video Game Soundtrack & SFX
An original adaptive soundtrack for an indie game developed during the Global Game Jam. In this deck-building strategy card game, the players strive to achieve harmony between 3 elements - Earth, Wind and Fire.
As the tension grows, the music changes between 3 levels of intensity seamlessly, due to the fact that the general structure of the tracks stays consistent. If the players get close to winning the game, the uplifting track "Harmony" plays.
Click here download the game

Video Game Soundtrack & SFX

In this game, you play a man on a planet that is constantly changing. Your job is to try and keep it stable while obtaining resources in order to reach certain goals.
At the beginning of the game the world is balanced and so the "Balanced World" music plays. As the man get more resources, his motif starts to play on the violin. When you get closer to winning the game, a chorus and a string ensemble accompany the motif.
If the world's balance is interrupted, the background music changes to "Imbalance World", regardless of the man's progress. The dissonance between the man's uplifting music and the disturbing music of the world suppose to make the player inconvenience
Click here download the game

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